Ian comments at TheRebel.org : Could it have been staged? There didn't appear to be much blood around the victim who was dragged onto the street. Applying the Cui bono rule
would suggest that we should at least be very suspicious, as only the
Government et al will benefit from it. The female aspect of the apparent
attempted rescue was also relentlessly pushed by the media. I suspect
the motives of this.
Given the deception and lying by officialdom over
9/11, 7/7, Madrid, the Boston marathon, and others that regular readers
will be familiar with, we'd be stupid not to be wary of the official
Max Malone : London Soldier Killing Hoax Plus Sandy Hoax News
Early analysis, showing the
shopping-cart woman approach being cutt-off
CNN: British soldier hacked to death in London, witness who filmed speaks out (22-5-2013)
Video showing the
shopping-cart woman calmly walking by!
(Red may be too orange in the clip , but there is indeed not much blood to be seen on clothes. And multiple versions do appear to exist, see next postings)
This 'spook' is seen here apparently rehearsing his lines. Notice there is no blood on his hands.
So, those who gain from the latest incident are:
1. Israel, which wants to paint Moslems as the enemy.
2. David Cameron, who can now 'do a Thatcher' and appear to stand up for Britain.
3. The military, which gains in sympathy.
JimStone : This psy op is so transparently fake I don´t want to waste time going over what others are pointing out, but I have one observation here for others to run with -
When the helicopter flies over, you can see blood where they supposedly dragged their victim from under the bushes to the road. That blood is NOT THERE in the videos shot before the helicopter arrived, and ALL video is AFTER they drag their supposed victim into the road. That´s one obvious set up team blooper. In Hollywood, that's what is called a continuity error and they get made all the time in movies, with movie producers trying to keep them down to a minimum in the hopes that no one will notice.
BeforeItsNews : UK Soldier Beheaded? Hoax! NWO Terrorist Propaganda!
Two men who look like they have been smoking crack drive down a road in Woolwich, South East London, and run down a man. Then they drag that man from where he lay after having been
hit with the car and reportedly start hacking away at him with a knife
and a meat cleaver.
It has been reported that they tried to behead him.
This is where it gets confusing:
1. Lots of blood where the man was initially hit by the car.
2. No blood surrounding the man despite reports that the two men ‘hacked away at him like a piece of meat’
3. The two ‘hackers’ then proceed to interact with the watching
public…a huge crowd…even giving interviews, explanations and offering
apologies to women for having witnessed the attack.
4. One witness says his mum or his friends mum asked the meat cleaver
holding, knife waving, gun toting men if she could comfort the dying man
as he passed away….erm, I thought he was beheaded?
5. Since when did the public approach two maniacs with meat cleavers
who are hacking away at a mans head and ask if they can have an
interview or to ask if they can comfort the man they are hacking to
6. As far as I am aware, hacking a human being to death and
beheading him would have the attackers covered in blood….yet the
attacker giving the interview has blood only on his hands – seems odd.
7. Witnesses in huddle in a huge crowd but only take pictures and
speak to the attackers, but no one tries to help? Wtf is all that
8. Witnesses run into a nursery asking for help….yet there is a
Military barracks a stones throw away but no witnesses ran
there…..despite reports that the dead man was a soldier.
9. Armed Police took 20 minutes to arrive on the scene….the
attackers are still there, they shoot the attackers….but Armed Police
ate stationed less than 1 mile away from the incident at Plumstead
police Station? Lewisham Police Station is less than 3 miles away and is
lauded as The largest in Western Europe….20 minutes? Seriously? I could
call up and claim my old neighbour hit me with his walking stick and
they would get to me in 5 min or less.
10. Why is the worlds media reporting this from minute one as a terrorist attack and showing clips of 7/7?
11. Why has Deputy PM cancelled his trip to Germany and Cameron
returned from France to hold a COBRA meeting to discuss possible
escalation in terrorist attacks? Why are the media bringing out
terrorism experts to give analysis?
12. 2 men kill 1 man and then give interviews, do not harm anyone
else, pictured having conversation with bystanders – yet its global news
of a terrorist attack on the streets of London?
Very confusing! – Stop the New World Order